FSL300 Fibre Spectral Attenuation Spectrometer
Ordering information
FSL300_Si | The FSL300 fibre spectral attenuation spectrometer with Si detector (350-1100nm) |
FSL300_InGaAs | The FSL300 fibre spectral attenuation spectrometer with InGaAs detector (800-1700nm) |
FSL300_InGaAs_EX | The FSL300 fibre spectral attenuation spectrometer with extended InGaAs detector(800-2500nm) |
FSL300_PbSe | The FSL300 fibre spectral attenuation spectrometer with PbSe detector (1500-5000nm) |
FSL300_Dual_Si_InGaAs | The FSL300 fibre spectral attenuation spectrometer with dual Si and InGaAs detectors (350-1700nm) |

Software Control
The FSL300 may be controlled over the USB 2.0 interface using our Windows application Benwin+ or by user written code based on our SDK on a wide range of platforms (Labview, Matlab, C++, etc.). Using configuration files, both applications allow:
- Wavelength selection
- Detector signal recovery
- Spectral measurements
Benwin+ includes higher functionality including:-
- Direct computation of spectral attenuation