
215 High Voltage Power Supply Module
Ensures optimal function of photoemissive and photoconductive detectors

218M Optical Chopper & Control Module
High-performance optical chopper solution with modular controller

275 Ultra Low Noise Pre-amplifier Module
Lock-in amplifier front-end for Mercury Cadmium Telluride detectors

417 Detection Electronics Mainframe
Housing, power supply and communications for 400 series modules

474 Transformer & Amplifier Module
Lock-in amplifier front-end in AC systems for use with detectors including large DC signal component

477 AC Current Pre-amplifier Module
Lock-in amplifier front end in AC systems with lock-in detection

487 Dual-Channel Picoammeter Module
Optimum signal acquisition in DC systems

496 DSP Lock-In Amplifier Module
Simple, intervention-free signal recovery in chopped light measurements

498 Hybrid AC Current Pre-amplifier-DC Nanoammeter Module
Agile module for both AC and DC systems

DH_PY_PSU Power Supply Module
Power supply for DH_PY Pyroelectric detector