Components Search
215 High Voltage Power Supply Module
Ensures optimal function of photoemissive and photoconductive detectors
218M Optical Chopper & Control Module
High-performance optical chopper solution with modular controller
275 Ultra Low Noise Pre-amplifier Module
Lock-in amplifier front-end for Mercury Cadmium Telluride detectors
417 Detection Electronics Mainframe
Housing, power supply and communications for 400 series modules
418F Optical Chopper & Control Unit
High-performance optical chopper with free standing controller
474 Transformer & Amplifier Module
Lock-in amplifier front-end in AC systems for use with detectors including large DC signal component
477 AC Current Pre-amplifier Module
Lock-in amplifier front end in AC systems with lock-in detection
487 Dual-Channel Picoammeter Module
Optimum signal acquisition in DC systems
496 DSP Lock-In Amplifier Module
Simple, intervention-free signal recovery in chopped light measurements
498 Hybrid AC Current Pre-amplifier-DC Nanoammeter Module
Agile module for both AC and DC systems
610 Current Stabilised Lamp Power Supply
Reliable performance of incandescent and xenon sources
706 Deuterium Lamp Power Supply
Optimal operation of Deuterium sources
bendev - Python module to control Bentham SCPI devices
Open Source and crossplatform python control module for Bentham Instruments' SCPI devices.
BenthamHID SDK
BenthamHID SDK contains BenthamHID, a convenience library for communicating with Bentham SCPI devices and the Bentham SCPI Terminal BST.exe for controlling a SCPI device over USB directly.
BenWin+ Spectral Acquisition Software
Comprehensive application for the automation and data acquisition from our instrument range
CL-Hg Wavelength Calibration Standard (250-600nm)
Low pressure mercury wavelength calibrator
CL2 Halogen Spectral Irradiance Standard (250-3000nm)
Open-frame quartz tungsten halogen irradiance calibrator
CL2_IR Infrared Spectral Distribution Standard (1-20µm)
Open-frame SiN emitter relative spectral distribution calibrator
CL2_RI Spectral Radiant Intensity Standard (300-3000nm)
Open-frame quartz tungsten halogen radiant intensity calibrator
CL3 Deuterium Spectral Irradiance Standard (200-400nm)
Open-frame deuterium irradiance calibrator
CL6 Halogen Spectral Irradiance Standard (250-3000nm)
Alignment-free quartz tungsten halogen irradiance calibrator
CL7 Deuterium Spectral Irradiance Standard (200-400nm)
Alignment-free deuterium irradiance calibrator
COL_1 Collimator
Lens-based monochromator or light source collimator
COL_3 Collimator
Reflective-optic-based monochromator collimator
CPS1M Temperature Controller Module
Controller for thermoelectrically cooled photodiodes
CPS20M Temperature Controller Module
Controller for the DH_30_TE
CPS50 Temperature Cooler Controller
Peltier Controller for the DH_50
D7 Cosine Corrected Transmission Diffuser (200-1100nm)
Precision diffuser ensuring correct hemispherical cosine response
D8 Cosine Corrected Integrating Sphere (250-2500nm)
Optimising the trade-off between cosine error and spectral coverage
DH_3 Multi-Alkali Photomultiplier (200-850nm)
S20 end-window photocathode PMT
DH_3_BI Bi-Alkali End-Window Photocathode (200-600nm)
End-window KCs photocathode bi-alkali PMT
DH_30 Multi-Alkali Photomultiplier (200-850nm)
Side-window S20 photocathode PMT
DH_30_TE Cooled Multi-Alkali Photomultiplier (200-900nm)
Thermo-electrically cooled, side-window S20 photocathode PMT
DH_50 Cooled Multi-Alkali Photomultiplier (200-930nm)
Thermo-electrically cooled, end-window S20 photocathode PMT (200-930nm)
DH_Ge Photodiode (800-1800nm)
5mm diameter germanium photodiode
DH_IGA Photodiode (800-1700nm)
3mm diameter indium gallium arsenide photodiode
DH_IGA-EX-3_TE Photodiode (900-2550nm)
3mm diameter thermo-electrically cooled, extended indium gallium arsenide photodiode
DH_INSB Dewar-Cooled Photodiode (1-5.5μm)
3mm diameter indium antimonide photodiode
DH_PBS_TE Cooled Photodiode (1-3µm)
3x3mm thermo-electrically cooled lead sulphide photodiode
DH_PBSE_TE Cooled Photodiode (1-5µm)
3x3mm thermo-electrically cooled lead selenide photodiode
DH_PY Pyroelectric Detector (3-10µm)
5x5mm DLATGS sensor
DH_PY_PSU Power Supply Module
Power supply for DH_PY Pyroelectric detector
DH_Si Silicon Photodiode (200-1100nm)
10x10mm UV enhanced silicon photodiode
DH-MCT12 Dewar-Cooled Photodiode (2-12µm)
2x2mm mercury cadium telluride photodiode
DMc150 Double Monochromator
300mm focal length compact double monochromator
DRS-CAL Spectral Diffuse Reflectance Standard (250-2500nm)
BenFlect reflectance reference standard
DTMc300 Double Monochromator
600mm focal length monochromator with triple grating turret
DTMS300 Double Monochromator
600mm focal length double monochromator with internal motorised slits and triple grating turret
DTR6 Integrating Sphere (300-2000nm)
Diffuse transmission and 8°/diffuse reflectance sphere
FOP Series Fibre Optic Bundles
Flexible light delivery over the UV-vis-IR
FTMC100-LDS High-powered Tuneable Light Source
Highly configurable, high efficiency, fibre coupled monochromatic laser driven light source with dynamic optical elements.
Supercontinuum Laser tuneable filter monochromator
Ge-CAL Spectral Responsivity Standard (800-1800nm)
Calibrated Germanium photodiode
IDR150 Double Monochromator
300mm focal length compact double monochromator, integrated picoammeter and HV supply
IDR300 Double Monochromator
600mm focal length double monochromator with internal motorised slits and triple grating turrets, integrated picoammeters and HV supply
IL1 Halogen Source (350-4000nm)
Excellent stability over the vis-IR
IL6 Deuterium Source (200-400nm)
Low stray light UV illuminator
IL7 Xenon Source (250-1500nm)
High radiance throughout UV-vis-NIR
IL75E Xenon Source (250-1500nm)
Maximised coupling for excellent UV-vis-NIR illumination
IL8 SiN Infrared Source (1-30µm)
Stable illumination throughout the infrared
ILD-D2-QH Deuterium-Halogen Source (200-2500nm)
Optimised radiance from 200nm
ILD-QH-IR Halogen-SiN Source (350nm-30µm)
Superlative stability in vis-FIR applications
ILD-Xe-QH Xenon-QTH Source (250-2500nm)
Optimised radiance from 250nm
IS4 Integrating Sphere
Monochromator slit mounted integrating sphere beam homogeniser
IS50 Integrating Sphere (250-2500nm)
Precise laser spectral radiant flux measurement
IS500 Integrating sphere (350-800nm)
Opening integrating sphere for the measurement of compact sources
IS75-ENV Cosine Corrected Integrating Sphere, Outdoor Use (250-2500nm)
Environmentally sealed entrance optic for UV-vis-IR use
ISR300 Single Monochromator
300mm focal length monochromator with internal motorised slits, triple grating turret, integrated picoammeter and HV supply
OPT-INT-UV Beam Homogeniser (250-600nm)
Microlens array beam homogeniser
ORM400 Picoammeter
Free-standing dual channel picoammeter
PbS-CAL Spectral Responsivity Standard (1500-3000nm)
Calibrated lead sulphide photodiode
PSL Console
Interim console-based tool for IEC 62471-6/-7, offering uncertainty handling and production- level reports ahead of the PSL Wizard update.
Py-CAL Spectral Responsivity Standard (1-30µm)
Calibrated pyroelectric detector
Si-CAL Spectral Responsivity Standard (200-1100nm)
Calibrated UV-enhanced silicon photodiode
Software Development Kit
Software development platform for our range of instruments
SRS12 Halogen Spectral Radiance Standard (250-2500nm)
Integrating sphere, quartz tungsten halogen radiance calibrator with 100mm window
SRS8 Halogen Spectral Radiance Standard (250-2500nm)
Integrating sphere, quartz tungsten halogen radiance calibrator with 50mm window
TEL301 Direct View Telescope
Easily define field of view and solid angle of measurement
TLS120Xe High Power Tuneable Light Source (280 nm — 1100 nm)
Intuitive and versatile high-powered source of stable monochromatic and dimmable white light.
TMc150 Single Monochromator
150mm focal length compact monochromator with dual grating turret
TMc300 Single Monochromator
300mm focal length monochromator with triple grating turret
TMS300 Single Monochromator
300mm focal length monochromator with internal motorised slits and triple grating turret
Total Spectral Radiant Flux Standard (350-2000nm)
Quartz tungsten halogen flux calibrator