The Py-CAL pyroelectric spectral responsivity standard offers exceptionally wide wavelength coverage for a range of applications in the infrared.
Calibrated in our dedicated laboratory, with respect to standards calibrated by the Physicalish Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB, Germany), a direct calibration to 20µm with an extension to 30µm is on offer.
Housing a 2x2mm active area DLATGS pyroelectric sensor fitted with a KRS5 window (0.6-40µm), the Py-CAL reaches parts of the infrared for which no photon detectors are available. Operated with the DH-PY-PSU power supply module with a low frequency chopped input, the signal generated by this detector is best measured in using the 496 DSP lock-in amplifier.
Core benefits
- Enables high-precision beam power measurements
- Exceptionally wide spectral coverage 1-30µm
- Agile over a number of applications
- Impart NMI traceability to your measurements
- DTLAGS pyroelectric detector fitted with KRS5 window
- 2x2 mm diameter active area
- Spectral responsivity standard (V.W-1)
- Operated in conjunction with the DH_PY_PSU
- Recommended for use with the 400 Series of detection electronics