Towards In-reduced photovoltaic absorbers: Evaluation of zinc-blende CuInSe 2-ZnSe solid solution.
11 November 2017
We have synthesized CuInSe2-ZnSe (CZISe) thin films by two-step sequential process and tested its potential for photovoltaic application. The material exhibits a high absorption coefficient (>105 cm−1 at wavelength lower than 800 nm) and a direct band gap around 1.2 eV, being an excellent candidate for absorber in thin film solar cells. The power and temperature dependent photoluminescence properties were similar to chalcopyrite and kesterite type materials. In a first optimization round, we have studied the influence of Cu content on the structural and electrical properties of CZISe.
The optimum range of Cu/(Zn+In) ratio was identified that yielded the best performance of solar cells. The champion cell demonstrated an efficiency of 7.6% with an open circuit voltage as high as 520 mV, corroborating the possible high interest of this alloy for the development of sustainable, cost-efficient and critical raw materials reduced thin film photovoltaic technologies.
Kondrotas, R., Colina, M., Guc, M., Neuschitzer, M., Giraldo, S., Alcobé, X., Oliva, F., Sánchez, Y., Pistor, P., Izquierdo-Roca, V. and Pérez-Rodriguez, A., 2017. Towards In-reduced photovoltaic absorbers: Evaluation of zinc-blende CuInSe 2-ZnSe solid solution. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 160, pp.26-33.
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Category: Solar & Photovoltaics