Synthesis and Characterisation of Nanoparticle Y2O3: Eu and YAG: Ce Phosphors.

11 November 2016


The aim of this work was to prepare nanoparticle phosphors under conditions that enable their particle sizes and morphologies to be controlled. Furthermore, the synthesis of the phosphor nanoparticles needed to be as simple and cost effective as possible. With regards to these constraints, a straightforward method for the production of such phosphor nanoparticles has previously been developed using n-alkylammonum chloride chains with the general formula CnH2n+1NH3Cl (n = 10 to 16) as a particle size and morphology regulator.

It is confirmed herein that the method may be applied to the synthesis of nanoparticles of Y2O3:Eu, and it is shown that the method may also be applied to the synthesis of YAG:Ce nanophosphors for a number of possible lighting and display applications.


Withnall, R., J. Silver, T.G. Ireland, P.J. Marsh, and G.R. Fern. Synthesis and Characterisation of Nanoparticle Y2O3: Eu and YAG: Ce Phosphors. Centre for Phosphor and Display Materials, Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing, Brunel University

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