Study on 2.05 eV Al0. 13GaInP sub-cell and its hetero-structure cells.

11 November 2014


5-junction solar cells with 2.05 eV top sub-cells are the most promising structure to achieve the conversion efficiencies beyond 36% (AM0, 25°C). Al0.13GaInP (Eg≈ 2.05eV) sub-cell is grown by metal organic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOPVE), presenting an efficiency of 10.04% with 1457.3 mV in Voc and 11.9 mA/cm2 in Isc (AM0, 25°C). External quantum efficiency (EQE) of the sub-cell reveals the poor AlInP/Al0.13GaInP interface passivation, therefore the Isc of the sub-cell is limited.

GaInP/Al0.13GaInP het-ero-structure is employed to improve the IV characteristics, especially the Isc, by enhancing the spectral response of the long-wavelength region, and further to improve the overall Isc of the 5-junction solar cell. Preliminary GaInP/Al0.13GaInP sub-cell shows en-hanced efficiency of 10.16%, with the Isc increased to 12.6 mA/cm2 and the Voc decreased to 1398.12 mV.


Li, X., Zhang, W., Zhang, J., Lu, H., Zhou, D., Sun, L. and Chen, K., 2014, June. Study on 2.05 eV Al0. 13GaInP sub-cell and its hetero-structure cells. In 2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) (pp. 0479-0481). IEEE.

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