Spectroscopy of titanium-doped gallium lanthanum sulfide glass.

11 November 2008



Titanium-doped gallium lanthanum sulfide (Ti:GLS) and gallium lanthanum oxysulfide (Ti:GLSO) glasses have an absorption band at ∼500–600 nm that cannot be fully resolved because of its proximity to the band edge of the glass. At concentrations >0.5%a shoulder at 980 nm is observed in Ti:GLS but not in Ti:GLSO.

The emission spectra of Ti:GLS and Ti:GLSO both peak at 900 nm with lifetimes of 67 and 97 μs, respectively. We propose that the absorption at ∼600 nm is due to the 2T2g2Eg transition of octahedral Ti3+ and the 980 nm shoulder is due to Ti3+–Ti4+ pairs.

2008 Optical Society of America.



Hughes, M.A., Curry, R.J. and Hewak, D.W., 2008. Spectroscopy of titanium-doped gallium lanthanum sulfide glass. JOSA B, 25(9), pp.1458-1465.

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