Scalable perovskite/CIGS thin-film solar module with power conversion efficiency of 17.8%.

11 November 2017


All-thin film perovskite/CIGS multijunction solar modules, combining a semi-transparent perovskite top solar module stacked on a CIGS bottom solar module, are a promising route to surpass the efficiency limits of single-junction thin-film solar modules. In this work, we present a scalable thin-film perovskite/CIGS photovoltaic module with an area of 3.76 cm2 and a power conversion efficiency of 17.8%. Our prototype outperforms both the record single-junction perovskite solar module of the same area as well as the reference CIGS solar module.

The presented perovskite/CIGS thin-film multijunction solar module makes use of the “4-terminal architecture”, which stacks the perovskite solar module in superstrate configuration on top of the CIGS solar module in substrate configuration. Both submodules apply a scalable interconnection scheme that can accommodate scale-up towards square meter scale thin-film multijunction solar modules. In order to identify the future potential of the presented stacked perovskite/CIGS thin-film solar module, we quantify the various losses in the presented prototype and identify the key challenges of this technology towards very high power conversion efficiencies.


Paetzold, U.W., Jaysankar, M., Gehlhaar, R., Ahlswede, E., Paetel, S., Qiu, W., Bastos, J., Rakocevic, L., Richards, B.S., Aernouts, T. and Powalla, M., 2017. Scalable perovskite/CIGS thin-film solar module with power conversion efficiency of 17.8%. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(20), pp.9897-9906.

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