Quantitative photoacoustic spectroscopy of propranolol/magnesium carbonate powder mixtures in the ultraviolet and the near-infrared regions.

11 November 1981


To Investigate quantltatlve analysis of powder samples by photoacoustic spectroscopy, we measured the ultraviolet and near-infrared response of the heart drug propranolol at dlfferent concentrations in powder mixtures with magnesium carbonate. In the ultravloiet reglon, the response as a functlon of propranolol mass fraction Is markedly nonlinear. Results with mixtures prepared by cogrinding show that coatlng of propranolol onto magnesium carbonate particles contributes significantly to nonlinearity.

Unground mlxtures stlll give nonllnear plots, whlch are dlscussed In terms of optlcai and thermal Interactions between the components. These interactions are considerably reduced In the near-infrared reglon, resulting In a linear dependence on propranolol mass fraction. When photoacoustic spectroscopy Is applied to quantltatlve analysis of formulated solld products such as pharmaceutlcals and pesticides, these effects must be taken into consideration.


Becconsall, J.K., Percy, J. and Reid, R.F., 1981. Quantitative photoacoustic spectroscopy of propranolol/magnesium carbonate powder mixtures in the ultraviolet and the near-infrared regions. Analytical Chemistry, 53(13), pp.2037-2040.

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