Height control of poinsettia using photoselective filters.

11 November 2004


Most commercial markets require growers of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch.) to produce plants within strict height specifications. Plant growthretarding chemicals (PGRs) are commonly used to limit internode extension, but in some countries, growers are being pressured to reduce chemical use. Recently, a photoselective film was developed that specifically reduces the transmission of far-red light [(FR), 700 to 800 nm], offering an alternative strategy for height control.

Two complementary trials, one in the United Kingdom and one in the United States, showed that plants grown under the FR film for 10 to 12 weeks were ≈20% shorter than control plants growing under neutral density (ND) films transmitting a similar photosynthetic photon flux as the FR film. In the United Kingdom trial, the FR filter delayed time to 50% bract color and first visible cyathia by 6.0 and 3.5 days, respectively, but did not influence time to final harvest. In the United States trial, plants under the FR film had an average of 25% more axillary branches than those under the ND film.

In addition, the effects of reduced red [(R), 600 to 700 nm] and blue [(B), 400 to 500 nm] light on internode length, plant biomass, and axillary branching were determined using other photoselective plastics. Compared with plants under the ND film, internode length was 9% or 71% greater in plants grown under environments deficient in B or R, respectively. Our results indicate that poinsettia is highly sensitive to the R: FR ratio, and that spectral manipulation has potential for height control of commercial poinsettia crops.


Clifford, S.C., Runkle, E.S., Langton, F.A., Mead, A., Foster, S.A., Pearson, S. and Heins, R.D., 2004. Height control of poinsettia using photoselective filters. HortScience, 39(2), pp.383-387.

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