Four-wave mixing and octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in a small core hydrogenated amorphous silicon fiber pumped in the mid-infrared.
11 November 2014
An octave-spanning supercontinuum is generated in a hydrogenated amorphous silicon core fiber when pumped in the mid-infrared regime. The broadband wavelength conversion which extends from the edge of the telecommunications band into the mid-infrared (1.64–3.37 μm) is generated by four-wave mixing (FWM) and subsequent pulse break-up, facilitated by the high material nonlinear figure of merit and the anomalous dispersion of the relatively small 1.7 μm diameter core fiber. The FWM sidebands and corresponding supercontinuum can be tuned through the pump parameters, and show good agreement with the predicted phase-matching curves for the fiber.
© 2014 Optical Society of America
Shen, L., Healy, N., Xu, L., Cheng, H.Y., Day, T.D., Price, J.H.V., Badding, J.V. and Peacock, A.C., 2014. Four-wave mixing and octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in a small core hydrogenated amorphous silicon fiber pumped in the mid-infrared. Optics letters, 39(19), pp.5721-5724.
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