EMRP ENV59 Traceability for atmospheric total column ozone.

11 November 2017


EMRP project ENV59 ATMOZ “Traceability for atmospheric total column ozone” has been running for three years since 2014 and is approaching its end. Our latest issue of UVNews reported on the outcome of the project in its first half, and now this UVNews 12 reports some of the final outcomes.

The project has developed various techniques for atmospheric ozone measurements. Lot of effort has been put e.g. on studying characteristics of Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometers. Methods for uncertainty evaluation have been developed, which is the topic of three articles in this paper. A Fourier Transform Spectroradiometer has been tested for measuring hyper-spectral solar UV spectra Methodology for determining the solar extraterrestrial irradiance spectrum from the surface has been developed. Also new devices have been built, such as a wavelength ruler and a tunable and portable radiation source for field instrument characterization.


Egli, L., Kärhä, P., Vaskuri, A. and Gröbner, J., 2017. EMRP ENV59 Traceability for atmospheric total column ozone. Editorial _ 3 EMRP ENV59 Traceability for atmospheric total column ozone _ 4, p.4.

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