Effects of ambient temperature on the performance of CCD array spectroradiometers and practical implications for field measurements.

11 November 2014


The performance of miniature CCD array spectroradiometers, which are widely used for the assessment of personal and environmental exposures, may be affected by variations in ambient temperature. The dark signal, spectral sensitivity and wavelength position of six different array spectroradiometer models, produced by two different manufacturers, were assessed in ambient temperatures ranging from 5 °C to 40 °C.

The results are presented with a discussion of the practical implications for field measurements when the instruments are used outside of a temperature controlled environment.


Price, L.L.A., Hooke, R.J. and Khazova, M., 2014. Effects of ambient temperature on the performance of CCD array spectroradiometers and practical implications for field measurements. Journal of Radiological Protection, 34(3), p.655.

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