Continuous-Wave Mid-Infrared Gas Fiber Lasers.

30 January 2018


Efficient continuous-wave laser emission of acetylene molecules at 3.1 μm wavelength has been demonstrated in low-loss hollow-core fiber by optically pumping using a fiber-amplified diode laser around 1.53 μm. In this paper, we report and compare the continuous-wave laser performance of acetylene molecules in the cavity and single-pass configurations.

The use of low-loss antiresonant hollow-core fiber makes the single-pass configuration ideal for high-power laser generation and enables over 1.1 W continuous-wave mid-infrared laser output with over 33 % slope efficiency relative to the absorbed pump power. The systematic characterization of power-scaling and pump power absorption properties demonstrates that the molecular kinetics inside hollowcore fiber determines the laser performance, and that low fiber attenuation is key to high-efficiency continuous-wave output.


Xu, M., Yu, F., Hassan, M.R.A. and Knight, J., 2018. Continuous-Wave Mid-Infrared Gas Fiber Lasers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

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