Comparison of Atacama desert solar spectra vs. ATSM g173-03 reference spectra for solar energy application.
11 November 2016
Knowledge of the solar spectrum is essential for the design and study of numerous technologies based on the use of the solar resource. In spite of the fact that the Atacama Desert is in the spotlight of solar industry, there is not enough information about the spectral irradiance present on it.
This fact and the special atmospheric conditions of Atacama cause an increasing interest of solar industry to know the spectral differences with other places of the world. Using a standard spectrum may represent very different results from the true.
In this paper, a mean Atacama Desert Solar Spectra, derived from satellite databases, is compared against the ASTM G173- 03 Reference Spectra, in order to obtain useful information for solar energy applications. For that, a previous validation of the SMARTS atmospheric transfer model and the available satellite database are carried out by comparison with several spectral irradiance measurements from the first spectral measurement campaign in Chile, developed on 2015.
Later, the satellite databases information is used to average the atmospheric parameters for the whole Atacama Desert area and is used to obtain the mean Global tilted Irradiance and Direct plus Circumsolar Irradiance solar spectrum
Marzo, A., Ferrada, P., Beiza, F., Alonso-Montesinos, J., Ballestrín, J. and Román, R., Comparison of Atacama desert solar spectra vs. ATSM g173-03 reference spectra for solar energy application.
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Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Public Health & PPE