A novel method for the preparation of non-agglomerated nanometre sized particles of lanthanum phosphate phosphors utilising a high surface area support in the firing process.

11 November 2012


A convenient method is described that uses a quartz wool substrate to immobilise nanometre sized phosphor precursor particles enabling them to be fired at high temperature without sintering/agglomeration. The nanometre sized phosphor particles are easily removed from the substrate by re-dispersion into liquid for subsequent use.


Salimian, A., Fern, G.R., Withnall, R. and Silver, J., 2012. A novel method for the preparation of non-agglomerated nanometre sized particles of lanthanum phosphate phosphors utilising a high surface area support in the firing process. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(40), pp.21529-21532.

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