Papers & Citations
Preparation of high efficiency Cu2ZnSn (S, Se) 4 solar cells from novel non-toxic hybrid ink.
Wang, W., Shen, H., Wong, L.H., Yao, H., Su, Z. and Li, Y., 2016. Journal of Power Sources, 335, pp.84-90.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Thin film photovoltaic devices prepared with Cu3BiS3 ternary compound.
Hernádez-Mota, J., Espíndola-Rodríguez, M., Sánchez, Y., López, I., Peña, Y. and Saucedo, E., 2018. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 87, pp.37-43.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Back scattering involving embedded silicon nitride (SiN) nanoparticles for c-Si solar cells.
Ghosh, H., Mitra, S., Siddiqui, M.S., Saxena, A.K., Chaudhuri, P., Saha, H. and Banerjee, C., 2018. Optics Communications, 413, pp.63-72.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Study of sputtered ZnO modified by Direct Laser Interference Patterning: Structural characterization and temperature simulation.
Parellada-Monreal, L., Castro-Hurtado, I., Martínez-Calderón, M., Rodriguez, A., Olaizola, S.M., Gamarra, D., Lozano, J. and Mandayo, G.G., 2018. Applied Surface Science, 441, pp.331-340.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Enhanced photovoltaic properties of PbTiO3-based ferroelectric thin films prepared by a sol-gel process.
Li, H., Zhu, J., Wu, Q., Zhuang, J., Guo, H., Ma, Z. and Ye, Y., 2017. Ceramics International, 43(16), pp.13063-13068.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Fabrication and characterization of single junction GaAs solar cells on Si with As-doped Ge buffer.
Wang, Y., Ren, Z., Thway, M., Lee, K., Yoon, S.F., Peters, I.M., Buonassisi, T., Fizgerald, E.A., Tan, C.S. and Lee, K.H., 2017. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 172, pp.140-144.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Electro-optical properties of non-stoichiometric silicon nitride films for photovoltaic applications.
Blázquez, O., López-Vidrier, J., Hernández, S., Montserrat, J. and Garrido, B., 2014. Energy Procedia, 44, pp.145-150.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Influence of silver incorporation on CZTSSe solar cells grown by spray pyrolysis.
Sayed, M.H., Schoneberg, J., Parisi, J. and Gütay, L., 2018. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 76, pp.31-36.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Improved efficiency of graphene/Si Schottky junction solar cell based on back contact structure and DUV treatment.
Suhail, A., Pan, G., Jenkins, D. and Islam, K., 2018. Carbon, 129, pp.520-526.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Facile one-pot synthesis of multi-shaped silver nanoparticles with tunable ultra-broadband absorption for efficient light harvesting in dye-sensitized solar cells.
Joshi, D.N., Ilaiyaraja, P., Sudakar, C. and Prasath, R.A., 2018. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 185, pp.104-110.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical