Papers & Citations
Tuning the deposition parameters for optimizing the faradaic and non-faradaic electrochemical performance of nanowire array-shaped ITO electrodes prepared by electron beam evaporation.
Pruna, R., López, M. and Teixidor, F., 2019. Nanoscale, 11(1), pp.276-284.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Alkali treatment for single-stage co-evaporated thin CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2 solar cells.
de Wild, J., Simor, M., Buldu, D.G., Kohl, T., Brammertz, G., Meuris, M., Poortmans, J. and Vermang, B., 2019. Thin Solid Films, 671, pp.44-48.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
Flexible Printed Monolithic-Structured Solid-State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells on Woven Glass Fibre Textile for Wearable Energy Harvesting Applications.
Liu, J., Li, Y., Yong, S., Arumugam, S. and Beeby, S., 2019. Scientific Reports, 9.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Consumer products & Textile, Material & Chemical
Measuring vision using innate behaviours in mice with intact and impaired retina function.
Storchi, R., Rodgers, J., Gracey, M., Martial, F.P., Wynne, J., Ryan, S., Twining, C.J., Cootes, T.F., Killick, R. and Lucas, R.J., 2019. BioRxiv, p.520247.
Category: Medical & Pharmaceutical
Seasonal Minimum and Maximum Solar Ultraviolet Exposure Measurements of Classroom Teachers residing in Tropical North Queensland, Australia.
Downs, N.J., Igoe, D.P., Parisi, A.V., Taylor, O., Lazzaroni, S.L., Rawlings, A., Garzón‐Chavez, D.R. and Harrison, S.L., 2019. Photochemistry and photobiology.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Public Health & PPE
Acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to low temperature protects against damage of photosystem II caused by exposure to UV-B radiation at 9° C.
Schultze, M. and Bilger, W., 2019. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 134, pp.73-80.
Category: Solar & Photovoltaics
UV-A screening in Cladophora sp. lowers internal UV-A availability and photoreactivation as compared to non-UV screening in Ulva intestinalis.
Pescheck, F., 2019. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences.
Category: Solar & Photovoltaics
Electron‐Beam‐Evaporated Nickel Oxide Hole Transport Layers for Perovskite‐Based Photovoltaics.
Abzieher, T., Moghadamzadeh, S., Schackmar, F., Eggers, H., Sutterlüti, F., Farooq, A., Kojda, D., Habicht, K., Schmager, R., Mertens, A. and Azmi, R., 2019. Advanced Energy Materials, p.1802995.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical
The Effect of Materials Architecture in TiO2/MOF Composites on CO2 Photoreduction and Charge Transfer.
Crake, A., Christoforidis, K.C., Gregg, A., Moss, B., Kafizas, A. and Petit, C., 2019. Small, p.1805473.
Category: Solar & Photovoltaics
Active area cell efficiency (19%) monocrystalline silicon solar cell fabrication using low-cost processing with small footprint laboratory tools.
Basu, P.K., Kumbhar, S., Sreejith, K.P., Yadav, T.S., Kottantharayil, A., Arora, B.M., Narasimhan, K.L. and Sharma, A.K., 2019. Bulletin of Materials Science, 42(1), p.33.
Categories: Solar & Photovoltaics, Material & Chemical