CIE Australia Lighting Research Conference - CALRECO 2019

February 12th 2019

Location: University of Sydney, Sydney

Industry: Certification & Calibration

The CIE Australia Lighting Research Conference, taking place this February in Sydney, will bring together professionals from various areas of the lighting industry to deliver presentations, share knowledge and discuss key fields. Topics that will be covered in the upcoming conference include:

  • Colour and vision
  • Lighting design and performance
  • Photobiology and wellbeing
  • Photometry

Speak with Photometric Solutions International Pty. Ltd. for more inforamtion about Bentham's ISR300-PSL Luminaire Blue Light Hazard Spectroradiometer and IDR300-PSL Photobiological Safety Spectroradiometer.

To arrange a specific time to meet with our sales team, get in touch on and we will be happy to schedule a meeting.

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